How To Wear Colors In 2024

How To Wear Colors In 2024

How to wear colors in 2024. Getting dressed can be a stressful experience, especially when you don’t know how to put different colors together. In this article, I will provide you with easy tips and tricks on how to pair colors, as well as more advanced tips for color blocking when dressing yourself.

Pair color in the same family:

The first tip that I want to share is a super easy one. It is to pair colors within the same color family. What I mean by this is that if you are wearing pink, as in the example that I have going on here, you want to go with different shades of pink in your outfit.

So you would go for a blush pink paired with a hot pink, a fuchsia. How to wear colors in 2024. That is a super easy way to put outfits together.

Pair bright color with neutrals:

The next quick and easy tip is to pair the colors that you want to wear with neutral colors.

For example, you can do gray, which is a very neutral color, paired with yellow, or gray paired with red. Whatever color it is that you have in your wardrobe that you decide that you want to wear on a certain day, you can pair it with any neutral color.

Look nature at the product:

What I mean by this is to look at nature. Look at the products that you have hanging around your house. How to wear colors in 2024.

That will give you easy and quick ideas on how to pair colors together. For example, these are random products that I have hanging around my house. This has got to be glued.

Black and yellow. It is actually a led Black and  Yellow.” Now I have this product here.

This is summer’s eve. We have some yellow and a little bit of pink and white. How to wear colors in 2024. This is a color combination that you can use to create an outfit.

Even beyond that, if you look at nature, it gives you a lot of clues. You want to look at flowers, leaves, trees, the sky, anything having to do with nature. How the colors are paired together.

This is one of my favorite ways. I don’t have to think about it. I looked at nature.

Easy. So we are moving on to more advanced territory here.

One thing that I encourage you to do if you want to move from the basics to something a little bit more advanced is to go for a color analysis with a professional. How to wear colors in 2024. You can also do this yourself. The purpose of the color analysis is to find out the colors that make you look amazing.

How to wear Lipstick:

The colors that look the best on you. My personal color analysis technique that I use is called the lipstick technique.

This one will only apply to women unless you are a guy who also wears makeup. In general, this is more for people who wear makeup. How to wear colors in 2024. You want to start to experiment with difYou can just swatch different lipsticks on your lips and take a picture of each lipstick that you try. When I wear certain lipstick colors, for example, like a grayish lipstick or any lipstick with a gray undertone.

So I know automatically that these colors do not work for me, and I stay away from them. How to wear colors in 2024. Whatever colors you see make you look refreshed, alive, and healthy, those are your colors.

I did this myself on my personal style journey. I started to experiment with different colors of lipstick.

Color blocking:

Block-color-1024x1024 How To Wear Colors In 2024

The next tip is color blocking. If you don’t know what that is, it is to pair different bold colors together. So we’re going from the basics all the way up to the advanced stuff.

A more professional way to do this is to look at a color wheel. I will insert a color wheel here for you, and I will explain how this works. How to wear colors in 2024. On a color wheel, you have different colors, right? And then, within the color wheel, you can see these triangles.

Inside the triangle, you can see different intensities of the color. For example, in blue, you can see the colors going from really, really saturated all the way up to really pale colors. This is one way to pair colors together.

Different shades of the same color

As I mentioned in the article earlier, you should wear different shades of the same color. How to wear colors in 2024. A more advanced way to do this is to pair the colors in the color wheel that are opposite to each other, and this is called color blocking. I’m looking at the blue side, and on the other side of it is some kind of orange.

So these two colors together will pair very well. They will make great color-blocking combinations. How to wear colors in 2024. Now, the colors that are on the side of each other will also make great color-blocking combinations.

This is a great tool that you can use. Again, using blue. Next to the blue, there’s this teal color, and there’s also this purple color.

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These colors together will make great outfits. This is the article on how to pair colors together when creating outfits. How to wear colors in 2024. Let me know in the comments section down below which one you will try. Which one have you tried in the past? How has it worked for you? Leave that in the comments.

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